Exclusive Offer: Sign up for any plan, and will build you a new website that generates LEADS!

The all-in-one sales & marketing automation platform that ignites REAL business growth.

Get 200-400% More Customers Each Month Through Our Proven Marketing & Sales Automation Features Like SMS, Social, AI, Email, Website, Social, In One Easy To Use Platform. The Best Part? We Set EVERYTHING Up For You!

Or Watch Our System In Action!

SAM powers 1,000+ Small Businesses

Is your business next?

Not just any software. Enjoy a 1 on 1 personalized experience when you join SAM.

There’s no other software that even comes close! Talk to them via Text, Email, Call, Voicemail Drops and even Messenger / Instagram Direct Messages! We replace over a dozen different pieces of software, so the days of gluing automation together are over. We’ve made switching from your old CRM to SAM simple.

ROI Calculator

ROI Calculator


Monthly $$$ Left on Table:

We Charge $297/month:

ROI: %

How much are missed calls costing you? Experience SAM 24/7 inbound call coverage.

  • Enter the average lifetime value of a customer

  • Enter an estimate of how many calls you miss per month

  • Enter the rate at which you close new sales

  • Hit Calculate and we’ll show you how much money we can make you!

“We Grew Our Entire Lead Flow Over 500% within months of using the SAM System!”

A robust toolkit of everything you need to scale your business!

“SAM basically replaces every software we were subscribed too. It save us money and having everything under one roof makes things so easy to implement. They hold your hand through the entire process.”

Intensified Builders | @themarketingmaven

Richard Montanaro, Trackside Crossfit

Demetrius Moore, American Fitness Center

Brannon East, East Insurance Agency

Tevin Facey, Essential ABC Solutions

World Class Support, Templates, & Resources!

Along with world class onboarding and training, you’ll get access to in-depth strategy resources, marketing courses, live training, tutorials, and masterclasses to fuel your growth! ⚡️

Here’s Our Secret: The SAM Formula

Our entire system is built around this philosophy. Each step builds the next to help you grow & run your business.

  • Features that help you engage your audience & build your database.

  • Features that nurture past & existing leads with marketing automation.

  • Features that help you never miss a potential customer & conversion from any sales channel.

We Fix The Leaky Bucket Syndrome Nearly 80% Of Businesses Suffer From Guaranteed.

The Engage – Nurture – Convert formula, once properly implemented cures the “Leaky” bucket syndrome. Give us 30 days to implement just some of the features and strategies in your business and see an instant improvement in every area without spending a dime on ads. Even if advertising is part of your overall marketing plan, implementing SAM's features & strategies can help you capture more value from advertising.

Get World-Class Automation Training When You Sign Up

Each SAM user receives two 1 on 1 onboarding calls with a SAM Growth Coach. This ensures you maximize each feature and strategy for your business goals. Never feel frustrated about “figuring out” how to use software again. We’re renown for customer service!

Live Training Each


Sign up for our office hours zoom call where any user can hop in to ask any questions.

Keyword Automation Masterclass

Learn how to cleverly capture leads using one simple workflow and a keyword for your audience.

Booking Automation Masterclass

Watch how easy it is to build a two-step funnel to capture appointments and follow up.

Bring Our SAM Features On The Go With Our LeadConnector Mobile App

Receive all of your inbound calls with our iOS & Playstore Mobile App. Assign specific phone numbers to staff members and track calls. Text on the go to all your lead inquiries. The time-saving opportunities are endless.

  • Email, Video SMS, Calls, etc

  • Drop Ringless Voicemails

  • Track All Leads & Calls

  • Dedicated Business Number

Watch Our Demo In Action

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